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Watching my grandmother work as a healthcare provider for decades led me to dedicating my entire professional career to Community and Public Health. I believe healthcare is a fundamental right that MUST be afforded to all Texans, regardless of their zip code or income. I’m committed to ensuring that we expand Medicaid across the state, implement new and creative initiatives to address mental health and substance abuse, and restore abortion access and funding for reproductive healthcare.

Public Education

I am a proud graduate of public education and I know how successful a child's future may be when they are rooted in a solid eduction.  I believe every student in should have access to a quality public education. We must support our school districts to create learning environments that benefit our students, teachers, faculty and neighborhoods. I’m committed to working with education champions and unions to increase access to Career and Technical Education, Early College High School, and Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) programs, fully funding Pre-K programs and increasing teacher pay.

Community Stability

Too many households in our community are forced work multiple jobs just to make ends meet. While Texas continues to promote corporate relocation, we must ensure that current Texans have full access to liveable wage employment opportunities and continue to support and expand our local small businesses, chambers of commerce, unions, and hardworking families.

Protecting Our Seniors

Growing up in Oak Cliff, I like many other childhood friends were raised by a grandparent.  Now it's time for us to take care of our senior residents just as they have taken care of us.  We must protect them from displacement through gentrification, increased property taxes, and rising prescription drug costs. 

Equality for ALL Texans

During the 88th Session, I fought alongside my colleagues in the Texas Legislative Black Caucus to oppose anti-DEI efforts that sought to whitewash our college campuses. We stood united in the face of racism and bigotry that would impact future generations to come. I also served on the House Committee on Corrections, where I made sure the voices of our family and friends were heard that more needs to be done to ensure we support rehabilitating individuals who are justice-involved. Finally, I had the honor and privilege of being named the LGBTQ Caucus Freshman of the year by my colleagues. 

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Dallas, TX 75215

Political Advertisement Paid For By Venton Jones For Texas. Scott Jones, Treasurer.

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